Wansapanataym (lit. Once Upon A Time) is a Philippine fantasy-drama anthology produced and aired by ABS-CBN. The series aired in 1997 until 2005 and it was re-aired in 2006 until 2007. On September 11, 2010, the series will air again on ABS-CBN's weekend primetime block with new episodes, and remakes of past episodes.
Wansapanataym - 11 January 2014
Wansapanataym (lit. Once Upon A Time) is a Philippine fantasy-drama anthology produced and aired by ABS-CBN. The series aired in 1997 until 2005 and it was re-aired in 2006 until 2007. On September 11, 2010, the series will air again on ABS-CBN's weekend primetime block with new episodes, and remakes of past episodes.
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